Happy 80th bithday, JOAN BAEZ!

"The Lady From The House In The Tree (A Tribute To Joan Baez)" is a two-hour acoustic experience celebrating the life and career of an amazing artist, peace activist, and humanitarian. Based on the BAY LOVE original song of the same name, the show is a musical journey lightly tracing Joan's footsteps from the 1960's to present. 

BAY LOVE is Linda Martin and Kevin Termunde, an acoustic folk duo from Baywood Park. The show was streamed live on Joan’s 80th birthday, Saturday January 9th, 2021.


 Let’s Feed SLO County. Together.

The SLO Food Bank believes everyone has the right to nutritious food. With reliable access to wholesome food, we are all healthier, happier and more productive members of our communities. Our mission is to work with a network of community partners to alleviate hunger in San Luis Obispo County and build a stronger community.